a year that was
Posted in: on Monday, December 29, 2014 at at 9:16 PM 0 comments
faking conviction
Posted in: on Monday, December 29, 2014 at at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Is it just me or mosquitoes in Gurgaon are smarter than mosquitoes in Raipur? It used to be real hard work to get mosquitoes killed in my Gurgaon home. Here at Raipur, they seem to be not caring about their life. Not caring about one's life.. Is that dumbness or enlightenment?
So at least after a couple of years, I have been home for Diwali. It was a good trip. I did make some good decisions. Visited people who matter. I need to be better at articulating my decisions and getting into telling mode than asking mode when really it is my decision to make.
Also I wanted to thank ladies who are kind enough to visit me in my dreams. I am generally an unsatisfied sleeper which is to say that after hours of lying on the bed, I don't feel I have slept at all. It's more like I lose my senses and drop to sleep. Anyways lately I'm very aware of my dreams and whenever I realize that I have been dreaming I kind of feel happy thinking that dreaming means sleeping. So these three nights so far I have dreamt of women. In the very first case it was Britney. In the second case it was a colleague. In the third case it was someone that I can't remember now. Now a question to my large female followers - was writing about these dreams a good idea?
Posted in: on Friday, October 24, 2014 at at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Monday, October 6, 2014 at at 11:10 PM 0 comments
What do I do with those moments of clarity? I wake up and I know what exactly needs to be done. And then I wake up to reality.
Is being scared the defining element of my reality?
What's really scary is that I will cease to have them eventually. And then maybe I will be happy. Happy and a bit of not me.
Anyway, I wanted to write this for Raul. You know I'm swyping it and it came as Raul so Raul it is.
I'm sad that I'm going to lose him. But this post is a bread crumb maybe. And maybe it will help me find him again.
What do I say about him? Sometimes he makes me extremely sad because he reminds me of me.
Sometimes he talks. Actually he talks a lot. Like it will lead him to truth. Or like he will create the truth. Or like it's the only way to kill time.
And does he crib? It makes me worry. It's like he has this super power to see what is not correct. Except that maybe it's not a super power but a weakness.
I wish I could end this at a happy note.
Some day I will try.
Posted in: on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at at 1:22 AM 0 comments
I was just speaking with a friend about how studious we were in school. This post is going to be about my little accomplishments.
So a long time ago, when I was in class seven, I scored 50 in my math half yearly test. I think that's my best performance.
In class nine, this new math teacher comes with our quarterly assessments and says that only for of us have passed. He then asked that students who felt confident should stand up. Four of us did and four of us actually passed. I never felt more proud of my friends!
Posted in: on Thursday, September 18, 2014 at at 1:59 AM 0 comments
What is maturity? Risk averseness. Thinking about it for more than a day and specifically while bathing I realized that it is not that. It's being good at assessing risk and taking a decision to do it and then not regretting the consequence.
What causes regret? Is it general lack of information while making a decision? Or is it knowing that you knew what needed to be done but you opted for something easier?
What are my deeper regrets? What are my biggest humiliations? What are my deepest fears? They define who i'm because I would never share them with anyone else? Or are they chains that keep me from expressing myself completely?
Where do we go now?
We go towards answers? So many question marks. Enough of them already.
Posted in: on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at at 1:52 AM 0 comments
How do I summarize the time that I'm living in? What is the setting? I'm 29. Supposedly underpaid. Living with friends. Working in dh. Reasonable work hours. Cooking. Watching House. Game of thrones. Reading Midnight's children. Trying to read history of India. Getting irritated by people. With myself. Singing songs to freak out gals that sit opposite to me. Not talking much to people. Aiming to be kind. Getting disappointed at every realization that I was trying to be smart. Coding. Scripting. Listening to heart beats. Trying to calm down. Trying to be in touch with people. Knowing that it is not possible.
What does that sum up to? Am I happy? Am I at least trying? Is that important? Being happy I mean.
Nieces. Future.
What is going to be my legend?
Posted in: on Thursday, August 7, 2014 at at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Sunday, August 3, 2014 at at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Where are the personal posts, you say?!
In the last few weeks, I have been visibly silent in office. Why are you so quite, these days? Asked a friend. I'm practicing silence. Said the I.
To begin with, I'm not very talkative. However, I noticed that these few days, I was kind of not very happy. Happiness, I gathered, is quite dependent on the numbers of words you speak to others. apparently. Few days, I was so very aware of the sinking feeling in my heart. It was never as describable. I could feel it being pushed deep into agony by the weight of the world.
One theme, that I have not been vocal about lately, is ignorance. I am a huge fan of ignorance. It helps me focus. Sometimes, I feel I will be fine if I'm not aware of my unhappiness. But I'm losing my superpower and there is no escaping awareness now. What would Superman do in such cases?
Speaking of superpowers, another superpower that I've lately been aware of, is meeting expectation. I have same affinity towards unmet expectations, as weightless photons towards black holes. I am sure there is name for this medical condition. Good thing is that I'm working on this.
Posted in: on Monday, July 7, 2014 at at 10:00 PM 0 comments
I finally visited a dentist. And I feel indebted to write this post to thank them. Generally, I wouldn't mention their facilities name but I get the feeling that they are new and need all the PR they could. The clinic is MyDentist and it is located in Galleria Market, Gurgaon.
Here is a background story.
About a year ago, I wanted to have my teeth checked and visited a dentist. You know how taxing that exercise is. So the dentist tells me that I have two cavities and does the quick work of fixing it. A week after that, I know the work was not perfect and I can feel that cavities are not entirely filled. Worse, now I have the annoying condition of food getting stuck in my teeth.
I don't visit another dentist for more than a year. You see, my faith in dentists is shaken.
Fast forward to now.
Finally, I understand the fact that my health is my responsibility. So it's an early Friday in dh and I'm in Gallaria at 4 in afternoon. I want to visit an eye clinic first. I go there and get my appointment. Then I decide that while I'm at it, I could as well visit a dentist and as a result of a random Google search land up at MyDentist.
I see the doctor attending patients and calls at reception with dexterity. She is caring and has a personal interest in her patients is my initial thought. She does a quick check up of condition of my teeth and asks me to come tomorrow. I ask her - "what are the chances that it wouldn't get fixed completely even this time" and she replied honestly that there is always a risk but she will do her best. I ask her what would be the cost expecting it to be at top decile as Gallaria in general is expensive. And she says 700 per tooth. That made me happy. I gather she is a smart woman and knows that expenses can still be met if she has enough customers visiting her. And I hope they do.
They are an all women team and they are doing their job with great level of professionalism and integrity. We need more such people in India.
Posted in: on Saturday, June 28, 2014 at at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Sunday, June 1, 2014 at at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Posted in: on Monday, May 12, 2014 at at 4:25 PM 1 comments