i drove my friends motorcycle for about 2 months i guess when he was not here. i dont have a license and i know i should get one. there was one particular instance when i got held up by police and was asked to show my papers etc. after about ten minutes, i had to give them 500 bucks cause i did not have hundreds. i remember asking one of them if he had change.
for earlier part, it was so bloody dangerously exciting. and there were close encounters as well. yeah, and i drew some parallels as i so often do now a days. being always under control or anticipating moves or breakers. yeah, driving can teach you a lot.
i keep on getting signals that i need to be better at organization and communication. aah, there was a time when i thought that as i get more polished externally i will lose the rawness that can make me great. i don't feel that that often now. i think i have already lost it.
and i was talking to a friend about how we should use analytics in solving bangalore's traffic problem. and i realised that i would love to do my further studies in this field. i need to follow this much awaited lead.
Posted in: on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at at 2:17 AM