This was back in 2006-2007. My sister had this big interview that we
prepared for together. This was about time that i visited many temples
incidently. On each of these visits I asked for only one thing.
There is some background to it. As a child I was very obidient. I still am.
Now that i think about it i could have participated and won in the
competition for most obidient kid. Not that i am proud of it. Its kind of
sad in its own way.
So my father wanted me to light diya every evening before we sat down for
dinner. I would invariably be home in evening light diya. I would also take
a tiny bit of bhaat and dedicate it to diya. MyEnglish fails me.
Effectively I was a worshipper. Then the result of interview came and I
stopped it.
Now the history has a chance to correct itself. I am better prepared.
Naa sukh hai, na dukh hai. Na din hai na dukhi. Bus main hun. Says the
Posted in: on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at at 7:30 PM
poori story toh sunaa...
TATA docomon jaisa aadha adhoora story, keeps the suspense on, definitely :)