
 So this is technically the first 'post' of mine on blogspot. The one above, does need some explanation. I wanted my first blog to be absolutely out of this world. So I started writing it, very enthusiastically in fact. I cracked some mind-boggling jokes, and I laughed a lot at them, and I was damn sure, that once a
person goes through this hystorical post, she (yupp! its intentional. i am chivalrous.) would be surprised that a blog this funny could even be written.

oKK! to the point. It got lost. Something happened and a window popped up stating that 'Opera had occurred. It needs to close down now. Any work will not be saved.'  I was perplexed. This couldnt possibly be happening. With a heavy heart I click onto the 'dont send' button and everything was lost. Well, why am I telling you all this. This post is increasingly becoming like the promos of those movies where the direstors, actors, and even junior artists claim it to be different.So you know that they have nothing else to talk about. I feel like closing down this post right now. But I have given up on so many things so many times, I think giving up comes naturally to me. ANd I dont want to be a guy who gives up on every god damn thing. Seriously, am i fool to think that people are still reading this crap?? Okk, people, i wont forceyou
to go through all these shit. just leave a comment that you have read all this, i mean you can lie right, because lying is an art.

okk! another step change! this formatting thing kills me. yeh bhagwaan! okk! I will share with you  all the jokes that i had formulated rather in the early stages of my life. in my first post that i had (atleast i claim i had) written i talked about the reason why i want to start blogging when i know that i absolutely have nothing worth sharing to this world. wen i say nothing i really mean it. and that is the plan. i want to test myself. i want to see if i could sell absolute crap to this world. corny, cheesy,annying things. okk! i am not going to charge you or anything, but i want people reading this blogto think that 'look this guy may be talking absolute crap, and my head has started to hurt, but he does make sense. and he is funny too. i wish i could be funny like him'. period.

another step change. okk, so this 'step change' thing. it actually comes from my background of mathematics (i know thats a big turn off, but believe me u havent met me yet. otherwise you would kill if somebody mentioned math before you. do i make sense at all?) i used it here to bring some order to this incoherent conversation that i believe i am having with my readers. seriously what else possibly can i talk about. if it makes you feel any happy, i live in this world too. wah, that was some real nice joke, wasnt it.

anyway, its 1:06 in noon and i had thought that i would eat my lunch after taking bath, and i dont see any possibility of that happening in near future. actually that is the fact of life when it comes to me. when i plan that i would finish up my slides beforehand fore my BTP presentation, that means that i am not going to even go near MS Power Point for this whole week.

what else, sem is over. and i again feel that i have done nothing in this sem too. consistency, is what keeps me happy. i so desperately want to finish this up with a joke, but i dont have any right now.

and about my url. i know that gives my blog an A ceificate but yaar you have got to admire that creativity behind it. life sucks was main idea behind the url. and my unstable mind forced me to change its meaning altogether. anyway. the sherminator thing, i believe that every one around has seen american pie two(or atleast one) and so i need not explain about it. i would most probably change the content for getting a U certificate, but right now i am enjoying this cool blog of mine. people just dont report my blog to moderators.

i am sorry for the crappy formatting. hell, i am not.


  1. GOLD!

  2. Sash


    Now where is my comment?!