umm.. how do I start tonite? There are so many things that I would really like to throw up here at my blog, but I cant. I cant because people around here know me, and I dont want to be a sissy boy in their eyes. So I sometimes wonder why do I have this blog? What purpose exactly does it serve. Well, I am definitely here to impress people. People whom I know; people who most probably think that I am a big loser. I perhaps want to prove that I am not that big a loser afterall. Or perhaps I want to improve on my writing skills. What ever the reason be, why would you give a shit.
okk! I have at least started it off now. For few days, my dad is living alone as my mom has gone with my bro to help him settle at a new place. Anyway, the thing is that my dad has no one to talk to, and when he calls up, I look around for topics to talk on. Umm.. It's getting personal. And I typed few lines elaborating on the situation. But then I deleted them. Well, let me just focus on impressing the crowd.
So here is this thing that I want some people to know about me. Most of my time is spent on reading blogs. That is cool. Well, going to the field, and scoring some goals is even cooler, but lets not get into that. So I read posts, and then I might comment on it. And sometimes I dont comment. The reason being I feel idiotic everytime I comment. I go n check some of the previous comments I posted on few posts, and I still feel idiotic. I dont know if I make any sense.
I feel like ending the post right here. wel, let me type some more lines, so that it looks at least like a 'post' post. To be honest, commenting does not come naturally to me. I mean there are people who just stun me by the way they write comments. But I have to think, even if not hard, but still, to write something. and when I am done writing it, I feel like being at cloud nine, not able to stop feeling smug that I have written the best possible comment for this post. I mean it doesnt happen for every posts, but well, there are instances where it has happened. THen I see them five minutes later, and I feel stupid. I mean Real Stupid. Why am I writing this??? Umm.. I think people who have blogs will understand. If you have your own blog, and someone has just stopped to comment then you should understand tht tht poor fellow is getting treated for 'stupidity styndrom' at a mental hospital near you.
I am increasingly getting boring. I guess I will remove the link from my orkut profile. I dont want my friends to tell you all the lies that I have served here to you.
Posted in: on Monday, February 12, 2007 at at 1:38 AM
:-) Getting too personal? I can understand! :-)
It takes courage to write something about people close to you! I would have written a lot, but hten, I am afraid of being more vulnerable! :-)
And just so you know, YOU ROCK!
Thanks! :)
And again just for the record, you rock too.