So this post is actually meant to serve only one purpose. We were watching this show on Zee Cafe where they call 'celebrities' and tell them to act funny. Now we don’t watch any serials as such but I think it was in our destiny to watch this show. So he was telling the host something about some boxes where you go and pick something and then you open that something and you find one question written on it. And then you successfully answer the question and win prizes. And he gave us one of the sample questions. And I am gonna ask you that exact question. But before that we gotta pass time. Because great words of wisdom must not come out easily. You must endure and appreciate the amount of shit that we go through each day to appreciate the achievements that we rarely (or never!) manage to achieve. Yupp, you achieve the achievements. Anyway, you have got an option of going straight to the end of this post and looking at the question. And if I were you I wud have done the exact same thing. I mean why go through shit if you could escape it in the first place. And secondly, you ( and I) have already gone through enough shit to go through it again even here. But then I am not the most Intelligentest person in the world. Well, I might be. But for the sake of pretending to be modest, I will assume that I am not the most intelligent person. And we will further assume that most intelligent person doesn’t make (commit??) mistakes and this assumption is very much questionable because ideally no one is perfect and most intelligent is one who does not repeat the mistakes she (yey! I belong to elite class now!) has made before. But as I will eventually prove this assumption doesn’t make much difference to the final finding (Which is that you sudnt act smart and read the post completely before going to the end, btw!) because even if the most intelligent person was reading the post he will know by her past experience that she had commited a blunder when she chose to jump to the end as she had to come back to the same place again and read through the post all over again. And in case, the most intelligent person is first timer than she would find logic in my logic (yes! If you don’t then you are certainly not the most intelligent person!) and restrict herself from going to the end without reading the rest of this rather brain stimulating post. Well, there is another case – what if she dint couldn’t reach to this place where I have explained the logic of my logic, and escape all this gyan ki baatein and goes directly to the end of this post. Well that will contradict with our basic assumption that the reader is most intelligent person as only an idiot will even think about escaping this ..again brain stimulating post. But even if we make a concession and assume that the latest assumption ( the assumption that only idiots will think about not going through this elite shit!) and assume that it doesn’t hold true in this exceptional case of intelligence-incarnated, even in that case by default she will have to come back and go through the rest of the post and she will totally agree with me that only idiots will even think of leaving any portion unread. And given that she is most intelligent person around, you gotta believe whatever she says, And hence you have not make any mistakes by reading all along. You can feel good now, and apply for the contest where they choose most intelligent person living on earth. And going through this post completely is the minimum criterion that you need to have in your resume. Your chances of getting the title will increase if you read more of brain-stimulating stuffs that I write so seldomly.

So I think this is what happens when you read Catch-22. See, how modest I am. Even when I know that creativity lies within I wont admit it, and find someone else to give credit of my brilliant work. Creativity is flowing all over me. And I want to hide it but I cant.

So, If you are now starting to feel like an idiot and want to give up, I will tell you something about Bayes. Thomas Bayes, was a priest and was quite interested in mathematics. So as every priest must, he also believed in God. And not only did he believe himself, he also wanted everyone else to believe in Him. So in a desperate attempt to prove His existence, he started to collect data. Data related to how good people are doing in their life and what are their beliefs on God or rather broadly how morally they were behaving in their day to day life. His goal was simple : To show the world that who behaved morally acceptable behaviour were doing good in life as God must be taking good care of his followers. And he did do his analysis. But he did not publish it in his lifetime. It was published after his death by one of his friends. And everyone who is doing anything in probability must know Bayesian Theorem. So as all you intelligent people must have guessed by now that his finding was that religious/morally correct people suffered more than their non-believer counterparts. Well, there are many loopholes in this result as you might tend to argue how you measure happiness and god-fearing people might be more happy internally. Well, toh here is another logical logic from me. As we grow stronger, more liberated we tend to challenge everything that others believe on. And that might be one important factor in that person’s success. We become more defiant as we see that nothing is happening to us. So, we might like to pretend that we are not sure whether god exists or not, we know somewhere in the core of our heart that there is really no God.

But I do believe in miracles. Mathematically nothing is impossible. There is always some probability of any possibility. But one in a million people will get to witness that is extraordinary. And I would like to believe that this extra-ordinary events are distributed amongst we human beings in not a totally random way. I would like to believe that god hand-picks them. That he says that ‘Okk man, you have been through enough shit already, and this is your day. Go screw Amrita Arora for a change.’ Okk that didn’t come out that well. But I hope that you got my point. I would also like to mention this film of mithunda where he plays swami ramkrishn param hans. So if you have seen it, you should give me a hi-fi if you haven’t you should miss not having watched this movie. So now the final question that I am gonna ask you. Hold you breath. Don’t even think about blinking. Here it comes. So what would you prefer? Watching a parn movie with your parents..or STARRING your parents?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.  
  2. I sat through that shit to get to this question?

  3. I know life is fool of shit.

    now that i go through my post again, even i find it too complicated. I think this post is like matrix, you gotta reread it to appreciate it.

    okk, let me go through it again.

    thanks for the comment!

  4. I actually understood the entire jargon in the post....but couldn't get the anticlimax in the end....

    'PARN' movie...???

  5. gazal
    starring WITH you parents???! :O

    Dont give my already-giri-huyee-soch such an interesting imagination?!

    and parn is p0rn. i hope i have made myself perfectly clear. (unnecessarily i might add!)

    i will assume tht u really liked the post!

    thanks for dropping by!