Once I read in Bombay Times this article written by this not so famous model and host Ruby Bhatia where she discussed his ideas about happiness. I was really impressed. I actually cut out the article, which I think is a very girly act. Anyway, she said that happiness is not doing the things that make you instantly happy but doing things that you think are right. She also said that one must be ready to accept the consequences of their acts. well, that I had heard before, but still that coming out of her mouth sounded different. I just hope that she had written the article herself.
So what's the big deal? There is no big deal. It's just that we do many things that we think make us happy, and they do, for about 10 minutes; but they spoil the mood for rest of the day. I often dream of the ideal life, and that indeed is one where I meet all my deadlines on time, and enjoyin the rest of day without the feeling of being an idiot who will never be able to put the pieces together. Close to nature, of course.
Posted in: on Friday, April 20, 2007 at at 6:54 PM
nice post man !!! I do define the happiness same way as ruby defined... no doubt on that ....
Haan be. FIrst time I read it, I was really impressed.
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