SO yesterday we had our department valedictory function. Nothing special about it but then it made me feel the fact that in few days I will be gone from this place. Now that I look back I dont know how to react. 'Did I hate this place?' I often wonder. Well everything is done now and all I can do is get little sentimental.

Anyway I am not here blogging because I felt sudden urge to get senti and show people my sensitive side, but because tomorrow could well be the most important day of my academic life or life in general. We have out BTP(b tech project) presentations tomorrow morning and I havent even read my report fully. If I get through all these and be alive, then that would be the single most important achievemment of my entire academic life. So, this is what I love to do the most when I have some exam or something important the next day: I blog. It definitely makes you feel good about yourself. The assurance that you can reflect on things is great, but the real reason for happyness I think, is that it makes you feel like the hero of this film called life.

What else?! I can write many things here. About how I wasted my time, everytime in the old same way. OR the resolutions that made me frustrated. OR the eventual evolution to 'No Resolution Anymore'. I remember there were times when I felt sick after waking up on Monday mornings. The reason: I had wasted all my time doing nothing. Saturday was spent in celebration of start of the weekend and Sunday got wasted thinking and regretting that Saturday was over. More on it later.


  1. hehehe! How did hte presentation go?

  2. chal re.. idhar aaja

    apun blog badal diya.

  3. heheheh damn those BTP presentations almost escaped an extension :)

  4. anyway, blog is the best feel gud factor!

  5. All

    This has got to be the most important post of my life. 4 comments??! and I wasnt around to reply to them???

    thankyou for the comments. and i am alive and kicking.

  6. all the best..
    And hope, you wont be scrwed...just joking...

    Anyways, take care